Sunday, May 31, 2009

They know where their brooder is now...

They have found new things to eat that they love. I had cooked a big pot of green beans and hubby gave the ducklings one...they went nuts for it. So, I let them have a few when I was getting ready to put them up for the night.

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins


They spend their days in the chicken tractor with their small pool to play in and they get supervised swims in their kiddie pool. In the evenings when I lift the tractor up for them to come out for some free ranging, they play and explore for a few minutes and then head to the garage. They are so cute doing it.

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

They make their way into the garage and over to the hot tub frame and wait to be lifted into it. They are just adborable and very smart. They pick up on routine really fast.

Golden Welsh Harlequins

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

Every day is a new adventure with them because they have visibly grown when you wake up, they are changing in personality and their wants/needs change too. They have tossed away the idea of lettuce and now only want baby spinach leaves chopped up and put in their water for them. They have actually turned their beaks up to lettuce. spoiled already and not even 3 weeks old.

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

And they love to stand and play in the spray from the water hose. They are just the cutest little things in the world.

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

So, we will see what today's duckie antics provide in the way of chuckles.

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