Friday, July 31, 2009

The babies are 11 weeks old

They get their bedtime snack each evening before going to bed in the brooder for the night. Their favorites are spinach leaves and tomatoes. They are spending their days in the chicken tractor with a small kiddie pool and they sleep in the garage in a large pool. Meanwhile, work continues on the duckie house.
I purchased 2 older windows for the duckie house and am getting ready to install them, ventilation must be cut, interior painting and their sections constructed before they can move in. I also bought a heavy duty pond liner to put on the floor to protect it from moisture as the flooring is all OSB. Work continues but the duckies are happy with the current arrangements.
Odd pics of the babies from the last 2 weeks:

Being Nosey
Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins
Wanting more Spinach
Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins
Getting hosed
Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins
Enjoying hose time
They grow so fast and I love em too pieces.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New things happening

They are 9 weeks old and I am still running a week behind in my they turn 9 weeks old and wow at the changes. The pictures are from the 8 week old stage.
My male Golden Welsh Harlequins are getting a little mouthy with each other. It appears as though they are establishing a pecking order per se. It has not escalated to any fighting but there are some bill to bill tussles going on.
I did pick up one window for the duck house today and still need to find another small one to install. The pond liner for the floor arrived and now I can get busy with the painting and separation divider building. It is going to be fun transforming the black shed into a adorable duck house. It is also going to be work so I am not kidding myself with that one. the ducks themselves are getting nosey and trying to investigate everything and explore everywhere in the free range time. They have now found that those steps take them up onto the deck.
Golden Welsh Harlequins,Ancona
Golden Welsh Harlequins,Ancona
Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Duck Growth at 7 weeks old


They have just turned 8 weeks old and I am running a week behind in my to catch up. They are growing at an unbelievable rate. Chickens grow fast but ducks really zoom. Each day they have grown more, changed and look more adult like. They are each different and distinct from each other in either appearance or personality.
Each morning they trek from the brooder in the garage outside to their tractor and pool. They are a hoot to watch and I love the sound of their feet on the concrete when they get running to go outside. LOL


They spend the day in a huge tractor with a pool and sheets over it for shade. Their duck complex is in the works and I hope to have them moved into it in about one - two weeks.



Each evening before "Night Night" time they get to free range around the yard and get snacks from me. Their favorite snacks so far are spinach leaves, fozen peas and fresh tomatoes. They know now when I say "night night time", they have to head for the garage. They are so so smart.



They have also acquired a taste for the roses along the deck. That is fine with me as I am not a rose bush fan anyway. LOL


I will update soon with pictures of the duck house. I purchased a 6' x 8' nicely built shed from a gentleman here in town. I must now modify it for the addition of two small windows, ventilation and three sections. One section for my GWH and one section for the Anconas. the remaining section will be to store their food and such. I have already bought them a fan and they have a heat lamp so they are set in that area. I have two smaller coops ordered that are self contained with their own run so once they are all here, I will separate the groups down again. There will be one bachelor pad for my three extra drakes, 1 for a pair of ancona, one section of the large shed for a trio of ancona and the other section for a trio of GWH. Then there is also the consideration of building them a pond and using the kiddie pools so each group has their own pool. ahead but it is so worth it. I love my ducks.