Saturday, May 23, 2009

Their First Real Swim

Hershey Happy In the Pool
Yesterday, I put water in their pool for them that was shallower on one side than the other so they could easily stand on one side and had the option to paddle or tiptoe on the other side. They had such a great time. They were splashing and playing, diving, snorkeling and scooting around the bottom of the pool under water. It took about 50 shots and 30 minutes to get one picture with one of the ducklings swimming underwater. I also took their heavy plastic bowl and put food in it and let it float in the pool so they could swim, eat, drink and play. They were truly in duckie heaven.

The crew in the pool:

Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins
Saying hello and checking for food in Cheyenne's hand:
Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins
Checking out the floating food...what a convenience for them:
Ancona,Golden Welsh Harlequins
Cheyenne's Duckie Buddy, Onyx. It looks like Onyx will be our only black and white Ancona:
This is Mounds. Mounds is one of three Anconas that we are fairly positive will be a chocolate and white:
This is Michael Michelle. One of the Golden welsh Harlequins that is being named after our roomie. When gender becomes known, the name will be set:
Golden Welsh Harlequins
Hershey having no trouble with the floating food bowl. We are certain Hershey is a chocolate ancona, as being predominately chocolate on the back and head:
Sasha, Onyx and Hershey enjoying the pool. We are uncertain about the color Sasha will be. Could be silver, tri-color, lavender or blue. Sasha's marking are very light but very distinct. So, time will tell and we cannot wait to see what color marking ultimately come in.
Mounds finally caught swimming underwater. What a feat to catch one of them swimming underwater in a still. Most of them were doing it but they are fast!


Onyx snorkeling:


So, today we are waiting for the sun to warm the water in the pool a bit more and for the temps outside to get closer to 80 and then they can go in their pool for a bit today.

We are having a great time with the duckies and are so happy to have them.

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